Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gotye and Kimbra

Big suprise! The song "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye won the Triple J hottest 100 last week. It really is a great song and has been stuck in my head for a good 6 months.

I had fun doing this.

The childrens book thing was a last minute addition taking inspiration from Doug Holgate and Josh Cooley.

Oh and if you don't know the song or the film clip check it out:


RestLeSs D Web and Graphic Design said...

Not a biG surprise. This song is freakin' aweSome. So well deserved!!! CONGRATS.

laura p said...

Bravo,awesome song and video.This song has been running around in my brain since my daughter posted it months ago.

bn said...

Gotye tweeted this! Way to hit your target audience ya mo fo.

Trevour said...

Hahaha, that's the best!!!

andres.gomez.isaza said...

your picture looks way better than the video!

La Nouille said...

Great picture. I love that song too.

GreenJack said...

Amazing Piece!
Love his expression!