Monday, May 30, 2011

Plump Mondays No. 26

Plump Mondays are back! I am 3 weeks late but it has been a busy time. I went down to Adelaide to go Austrailias first concept design workshop : My Friend Simon Scales organised it and he and his wife Shelley did an amazing job putting it together. It really changed my outlook on art and I know it changed the life's of many people who attended. Also, I have just finished up on one job and have obtained another. Busy man!

If I have time I will try and do some catch-up Plumpness.

1 comment:

Fish Belt O'Reilly said...

What a magnificent specimen! I would gladly wrestle him any day, if only to be pressed against his slippery mounds for an instant of pure, unimaginable bliss...